
Series B: Chemistry, Life Sciences
and Geoscience |
Volume 11, Issue 2-3, May - December 2009 |
- Sonja Stefanov, Mirjana Vojinovic Miloradov, Slobodan
Sokolovic and Simon Bancov, Monitoring of industrial pollutants
in oil and petrochemical industry (...)
- Laura Toma, Gabriela Botez, Camelia Stancu and Anca Sima,
HDL3 decrease the oxidative and inflammatory stress induced by
AGE-LDL in human endothelial cells (...)
- Costin Cernescu, Lessons from the AH1N1 2009 influenza
pandemic (...)
- Loredan Niculescu, Laura Toma, Olga Ianăș and Anca Sima,
Functional polymorphisms of APOE and CETP genes in aged people from
Romania. Association with cognitive impairment (...)
- Valentin-Veron Toma, Contributions of medical
anthropology to the psychiatric practice: cultural and linguistic
competence in mono- and multicultural societies (...)
- Norina Consuela Forna, Aspects of the bioactive implants
involved in periointegration concept (...)
- Norina Consuela Forna, Clinical aspects of therapeutical
solutions involves in oral rehabilitation of partially edentulous
patients (...)
- Norina Consuela Forna, Non-invasive methods of
paraclinical evaluation of the young partially edented patient (...)
- Mircea Săndulescu, The geotectonic framework of a
peculiar seismogenetic area – The Vrancea seismic zone (Romanian
Carpathians) (...)
- Nicolae Atanasiu, Luisa Man and Cătălin Trifan, The
Sarmatian volcanic clasts in sedimentary sequences from Râmnicul
Sărat basin - sources and depocenters (...)
Soil Science
- Roxana Madjar and Velicica Davidescu, The total soluble
salts content and the phosphorus mobility dependent on applied
fertilizer and of pH variation in substrate (...)
- Monica Roman, Monica Potrovita, Angela Mărculescu, Mihaela
Badea, Patrizia Restani and Luca Bucchini, Food allergies and
egg allergens (...)
- Isabela Crăciun, Emil Ignat, Angela Mărculescu, Mihaela
Badea, Liviu Gaceu, Patrizia Restani and Luca Bucchini, Risk
management for food allergens in cereals and derivatives (...)