Series B: Chemistry, Life Sciences and Geoscience 2021

Last Number 29.04.2021 No. 1 No. 2

No. 3


Volume 23, Issue 1 January - April 2021



Nabil Hamam, Mohammed Issam Ferrahi, Mohammed Belbachir and Meghabar Rachid, Montmorillonite Maghnite-Na+, a green catalyst for synthesis of poly (styrene-co-1,3,5-trioxane) 3


Veronica Lazar and Petronela Ancuţa, Immunoprophylaxy - past, presentand future 10


Oprea-Valentin Buşu and Elena-Cristina Andrei, The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the educational act in the university environment 17
Darie Cristea, Diana Alexandra Petrescu and Claudia Ghişoiu, Vaccine refusal in Romania. An estimation based on public opinion surveys 25
Felicia Andrei and Anca Dragomirescu, Gluten sensitivity as a pro-vaccination factor 33
Bianca Averian and Irina Magdalena Dumitru, Tocilizumab in COVID-19 severe cases 42
Radu Mihai Avram, Liliana Pădure and Gelu Onose, Our experience regarding effects of some advanced physical-kinesiologic rehabilitation methods on balance disorders 45
Gilyen Botond, Solyom Arpad, Bataga Tiberiu and Fodor Pal, Three-dimensional acellular scaffolds (Maioregen) in isolated chondral defect 76
Nicolae Bucur and Constantin Ionescu-Tîrgoviște, Analgesic chamber, for medical tests an invention that reduces pain, fatigue, depression, drowsiness, laziness 82
Anne-lise Voiculescu, Andreea Anghel and Natalia Roșoiu, Immunity from SARS-COV-2 90
Ervin Iusein and Constantin Ionescu-Tîrgovişte, The dynamics of the human life cycle - a synthesis of the main stages 94
Grigore Mihaescu, Irina-Alina Cucu, Gratiela Gradisteanu, Magda Mihaela Mitache and Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc, Anti-SARS-CoV-2 immune response and prevention of COVID-19 pandemic by vaccination 100
Mara Mădălina Mihai, Ana Ion, Liliana Gabriela Popa, Olguța Anca Orzan, Cristina Beiu, Marius Nicolae Popescu and Călin Giurcăneanu, Coronavirus vaccination in patients with psoriasis vulgaris under immunosuppressive therapy 108
Florin Gabriel Panculescu and Iulian Cătălin Bratu, Impact of COVID-19 vaccination in diabetic patients from Constanta County - glycemic profile balance, adverse reactions 115
Cristina Popa, Cristina Ipate, Simona Hogas and Adrian Covic, COVID-19 vaccination in renal transplant patient and dialysis patients 122
Diana-Lavinia Pricope, Bogdan-Ionuţ Pricop and Cornelia Amălinei, COVID-19 challenges in oncology 126
Anne-lise Voiculescu, Andreea Anghel and Natalia Roșoiu, Effects of COVID-19 on the thyroid gland 132
Alexandru Daia, Stelian Stancu, Constantin Ionescu-Tîrgoviste and Ionela-Melania Stanciu, Octav Onicescu’s contribution to informational theory 136


Alexandru Dobrescu, Loredana Dragomir and Mirela Mazilu, Safe tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic. Maintaining physical and mental health by overcoming travel fears 140
Loredana Dragomir, Alexandru Dobrescu and Mirela Mazilu, Sustainable development of tourism in Țara Hațegului - Retezat in the COVID-19pandemic crisis 147
Irena Mocanu, Bianca Mitrică, Nicoleta Damian, Ana Popovici, Mihaela Persu, Ines Grigorescu and Radu Săgeată, Territorial characteristics of the vaccination process in Romania. Evidence at a local level 153


Alexandru Vlad Ciurea, The epigenetic pianist 162
Proc. Rom. Acad., Series B, 2021, 23(1), p. 1-163
copyright © Academia Română 2006

copyright © Academia Română 2006