Series B: Chemistry, Life Sciences and Geoscience 2019

Last Number 29.08.2019 No. 1 No. 2

No. 3


Volume 21, Issue 2 May - August 2019



Cristina Petrisor and Alexandru Paica, Overview on utilities and analysis techniques of organic volatile compounds (VOCs) produced by fungi belonging to Trichoderma spp 91


Adin Daniel Robe, Alexandru T. Ispas, Laura Oana Stroică and Adina Brîndu a Baciu, Highlighting brain anatomical changes in alcohol abuse and dependence 99


A. Ladaru, H. Moisa and A.V. Ciurea, Biomatrials used in cranioplasty, new aspects and perspectives 111
Alexandru Daia and Constantin Ionescu-Tîrgoviște, Extracting a powerful indicator based on Dan Barbilian apollonian metric using colon tissues gene expression matrix in order to improve performance in prediction and classification of colon tumour 121
Rucsandra Elena Dănciulescu Miulescu and Cristian Guja, Oral pathology in overt thyroid diseases 125
Elena Georgiana Bernea, Felicia Antohe, Iuliana Ceaușu, Andrada Mihai, Cristian Guja and Constantin Ionescu-Tîrgoviște, Gestational diabetes - a review of current literature 131
Oana Saptefrati, Anca Zgura and Rodica Anghel, The impact of age on local recurrence in early stage breast cancer 143


Constantin Ionescu-Tîrgoviște, Text of the one of the three doctoral thesis sustained by N.C. Paulescu AT Sorbone University and published in 1904, Paris entitled: the action of the salt of the alcalin metals on the living substance 147
Proc. Rom. Acad., Series B, 2019, 21(2), p. 89-160
copyright © Academia Română 2006

copyright © Academia Română 2006