
Series B: Chemistry, Life Sciences
and Geoscience |
Volume 10, Issues 1-2 January - August 2008 |
- Gheorghe-Petre Negulescu, Aurelia-Magdalena Pisoschi,
Selenium and Arsenic in Seleniun - accumulator plants (...)
- Florin Aonofriesei and Mihaela Petroșanu,
Abundance and size of activated sludge flocs in relation to dynamics
of some chemical parameters at wastewater treatment plant Constanța
Sud (Romania) (...)
- Mădălin Enache, Takashi Itoh, Masakiro Kamehura,
Gabriela Popescu and Lucia Dumitru, Halophilic archaea
of Haloferax genus isolated from anthropocentric Telega (Palada)
salt lake (...)
- Maya Simionescu, Anca Sima and Doina Popov,
International Symposion - Translational Research in Vascular
Medicine (27-29 March 2008) in the framework of the
“Cardio-Diabetology Research Reports and Training Unit” (...)
- Cristian Serafinceanu, Cristian Neculaescu,
Cristian Stanciu, Anne-Marie Crăciun and Constantin
Ionescu-Tîrgoviște, There are gender-related distinctive
features of the risk profile for early mortality in end stage renal
disease diabetic patients starting dialysis (...)
- Dragoș Epistatu, Ionela Dumitru, Iulia Pascutoi,
Grosu Oana, A study of interpreting bone density on panoramic
X-rays (...)
- Lawrence Chukwudi Nwabudike and Constantin
Ionescu-Tîrgoviște, Risk factors and clinical characteristics
for foot ulcers in patients with diabetes in Bucharest, Romania (...)
- Ovidiu Marius Brădescu and Constantin
Ionescu-Tîrgoviște, Correlates to the diurnal plasma glucose
variability in non-insulin-treated type 2 diabetic patients (...)
Dominique Farge, Lavinia Vija,
Jean François Gautier, Patrick Vexiau, Constantin
Dumitrache, Franck Verrecchia and Jerome Larghero,
Mesenchymal stem cells - stem cell therapy perspectives for type 1
diabetes (...)
- Lavinia Noveanu, Ovidiu Firă-Mlădinescu,
Valentin Ordodi, Florina Mirea, Germaine Săvoiu,
Danina Muntean, Georgeta Mihalaș, Passive exposure of
Guinea pigs to cigarette smoke induces a systemic endothelial
dysfunction (...)
- Elena Radu and Luminița Oana Ciotaru, Risk factors
in the nutritional behaviour of teenagers (...)
- Lăcrămioara Petre, Nutritional and biochemical aspects of
a vegetarian diet on a sample from Romania (...)
- Haralambie Savu, Zoning in the alkali-feldspar megacrysts
from the Săvârșin shoshonitic granite, Drocea Mountains, Romania (...)
- Fraga Oncică and Nicolae Săulescu, Potentially new
sources of genes for resistance to common bunt (Tilletia spp.) in
winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (...)
Forest science
- Marian Ianculescu and Claudia Evelina Budu,
Detection of resistant individuals to SO2 pollution by using
peroxidase activity regulated by a glycoprotein in sessile oak
seedlings (Quercus Petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) (...)
- Cătălin-Constatin Roibu, Cezar Tomescu, Alexei
Savin Marius and Miron-Onciul, Analysis of biodiversity
regarding structural and phytocoenological aspect in “old growth
beech forest of Humosu” reservation (...)
- Angela Mărculescu, Laur Vlase, Daniela Hanganu,
C. Drăgulescu, Iuliana Antonie and Olah Neli-Kinga,
Polyphenols analyses from Thymus species (...)
- Niculina Gheorghiță and Gheorghe Ștefanic,
Agronomical significance of the pedoenzymical tests (...)