
Series B: Chemistry, Life Sciences
and Geoscience |
Volume 9, Issue 1 January - April 2007 |
- Florin Aonofriesei Abundance and activity of
heterotrophic bacterial community in the water column and sediments
of Tekirghiol Lake (...)
- Laura Toma and Anca Sima The effect of high
glucose concentration on nitric oxide biodisponibility (...)
- Silvia Popa, Tiberiu Popa, Anca Jianu,
Steluța Puiu, Roberto Franchi, Luigi Gobbi and
Diego Puglisi Preliminary data about the chemical composition of
alluvial gold from Pianu Valley (Sebeș Mountains, Southern
Carpathians, Romania) (...)
- Radu Dimitrescu The Neresnica-Poniasca granitoids and
their prolongations withen the South Carpathians (...)
- Simona Ruță, Loredana Manolescu, Camelia
Sultana and Costin Cernescu Serial testing of liver
chemistries and HBV DNA during antiretroviral treatment in patients
with HIV/HBV co/infection (...)
Medical anthropology
Soil science
- Velicica Davidescu, Roxana Madjar and Gabriela
Neață Nutritive elements dynamics in acidifying substrate on
Chamaecyparis sp. culture (...)
- Radu Vlad and Ionel Popa The probability of
occurrence of deer damage in Norway spruce stands (...)
- Olivier Bouriaud and Ionel Popa Site and species
influence on tree growth response to climate in Vrancea Mountains (...)