
The journal welcomes most contributions that are data-rich, mature studies of broad interest (i.e., of interest to more than one sub-discipline of earth science) and of lasting, archival quality. These include (but are not limited to) studies related to tectonics, structural geology, geochemistry, geophysics, hydrogeology, marine geology, paleoclimatology, planetary geology, quaternary geology/geomorphology, Igneous and metamorphic petrology, sedimentary geology, stratigraphy, and volcanology. While the journal was created and published initially for a regional audience (scientists studying the local and regional geology of the Carpathians), it is now expanding to encompass a topical diversity of problems that reach far beyond that. The journal is committed to further developing both the scope of its content and its international profile so that it publishes the most current earth science research that will be of wide interest to geoscientists.
- Research Articles are presentations of data sets, experimental results, theoretical analyses, or numerical simulations. These thoroughly documented papers should use the scientific method in reaching conclusions and have immediate, far-reaching implications or advance the understanding of a problem or question related to a sub-discipline of the earth sciences. Although no rigid page limit is in place, authors are expected to provide concise text and illustrations that use page space efficiently.
- Review Articles, either scholarly or pedagogical, facilitate communication among scientists from a broad range of disciplines through discussion of recent papers of interest or important advances in a particular field or fields.
- Comments and Replies provide a forum in which published papers can be discussed.
- Special volumes. The editors can invite articles to be submitted on a topical issue, which can be published as a stand-alone volume of the journal.
- Others. Obituaries, book reviews, short communications are occasionally published by the journal.