The Romanian Academy never intended to
function as a museum, that is to store and
exhibit art collections, antiquities or
rarities of any type for educational
purposes. However, in the course of time,
the Academy has come to hold a significant
part of Romania’s cultural patrimony as a
natural consequence of the basic scientific
functions of this institution. |

THE ACADEMY LIBRARY is the first such
example. Of course, its main role is to provide
documentation for research in the numerous
scientific domains covered by the Academy.
from 1867 to the present, on the one hand the
Academy has amassed a huge encyclopedic library
- over 7 million books, nearly 50,000 titles of
periodicals, and 4,500,000 microfilms and
microfiches - and, on the other, a network of as
many specialized libraries as there are
institutes governed by the Academy has
developed. |
For a long time, the Romanian Academy Library
functioned as the country’s national
library, charged with the preservation of
the entire production of Romanian presses
beginning with the year 1508, when printing
was introduced in the Principality of
Wallachia. Thus, the Academy gradually
became the repository of cultural
collections of national importance: the
oldest books printed in Romania, 13,000
volumes of old manuscripts and 71,000 modern
manuscripts in many languages, 600,000
historic documents, over 200 archives on
momentous personalities, totaling several
million pieces, 543,000 letters and
autographs of nationally and internationally
celebrated men and women of culture. The
Library also has special collections of
drawings and engravings (105,000 pieces),
photographs and negatives (350,000), maps
and atlases (over 17,000), hand-written as
well as printed musical scores (74,600),
disks (18,000), coins, medals, philatelic
funds and pieces (250,000).
Among these, a few stand out through either
artistic value or age, as do for example the
Romanian Liturgical Manuscript # 1790,
illustrated with gorgeous miniatures around
1650, or the Greek Ms. # 1294 containing a
hymn for penitens, written in the 11th
century and illustrated with Byzantine
miniatures on each page.
From the Slavonic fund of nearly 1,000
volumes, mention must be made of a
masterpiece of calligraphy, Evangheliarul
(The Gospel) copied at the end of the 15th
century by Teodor Marasescu in the
scriptorium of Prince Stephen the Great of
Moldavia. In the fund of Latin manuscripts,
more modest numerically, there are several
14th and 15th century volumes that contain
miniatures, among which the oversized
Antiphonary registered under number 3.
Finally, the illuminated manuscript of
Firdousi’s work, Shah-name, can be found in
the Oriental fund.
Many of the drawings and engravings in the
Library collections have great artistic
value; there are works by Albrecht Dürer,
Lucas Cranach, Rembrandt, Anton van Dyck,
Jacques Callot, Goya, Delacroix, Daumier,
over 1,000 Japanese engravings by famous
artists, along with works by Romanian
artists. The numismatic fund is made up of
old Greek, Roman and Byzantine coins from
the 7th century B.C. and up, some of which
are extremely rare or unique in the world,
and of all the coins minted on the territory
of Romania, from Dacian coins up to those of
today. The glyptical (engraved gems)
collection is also quite valuable, with the
famous Orghidan cameo, one of the largest in
the world. |