The 3rd International Conference on Neuroscience, Neuroinformatics, Neurotechnology and

Romanian Academy – National Center for Brain Research
National Neuroscience Society of Romania (NNSR)
Romanian Society for Automation and Technical Informatics (SRAIT)
University of Bucharest (UB)

Keynote Speakers:
- Jean-Jacques Askenasy, Honorary Member of the Romanian Academy
- Professor Juergen Schwarz, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
- Dorin Comaniciu, Senior Vice President for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Innovation at Siemens - Healthineers, Erlangen, Germany
- Professor George Dragoi, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, USA
- Professor Valentin Dragoi, University of Texas, McGovern Medical School, Houston, Texas, USA
- Daniela Popa MD, PhD, Institut de Biologie de l'École Normale Supérieure, INSERM U1024, Paris, France
- Professor Samer Hattar, National Institute for Mental Health, Bethesda, USA
- Professor Paolo Fabene, Universita Degli Studii din Verona, Verona, Italia

The conference aims to bring together experts from various areas of brain-related research, including neuroscience, clinical neurology, psychology, and pharmacology, with engineers in systems science, neuroinformatics, and brain-computer interfaces to present new insights into the brain and mind to identify efficient computational theories, models and tools that will contribute to a better understanding of the brain and its functioning.

The programme of the ICON4N international conference is available at