Series B: Chemistry, Life Sciences and Geoscience
Aims & Scope

The Journal Proceedings of the Romanian Academy was founded in 1999. Series B of the Journal, abbreviated as Proc. Rom. Acad. Series B is dedicated to papers from the domains of chemistry, life-sciences (biology, medicine, agriculture) and geosciences. The association of the above scientific domains is not a fortuitous combination but a consequence of the present advanced interaction of the mentioned sciences.

The Journal publishes - in English - original papers of high interest, presented in the form of short notes or preliminary communications (about 6-8 printed pages).
The Journal addresses firstly the members of the Romanian Academy and the researchers from the Academy Institutes but is also open to scientists from other research institutes or universities as well as to foreign authors.

The content of a paper is the exclusive responsibility of the respective authors.

The Editorial Board includes only Romanian Academy members. Their papers are printed as such whereas those of the other authors are refereed and presented by an Editorial Board member.
The graphical form of the Journal (size A4; two-columns text, computer editing) is the same as the recent ones of the leading international publications from the mentioned domains.

The Proceedings of the Romanian Academy. Series B. was included for summarising - after its first issue - in Chemical Abstracts (Columbus, Ohio) and is presently under evaluation at Institute for Scientific Information (ISI, Philadelphia) in order to be included in Science Citation Index.